Orientation 2023
Is your family new to the École St. Matthew’s School Catchment Area?
If you are new to our school zone please ensure that you complete the following documents from the NLESD, as per PROG 311-School Zoning, Student Registration and Transfers:
311A: Student Data Form
311B: Student Transfer Form (For students requesting to move in for reasons other than a change of principal residence)
To determine your zoned school and for other important information regarding student transfers please visit the NLESD website: https://www.nlschools.ca/schools/backtoschool/registration.jsp
You can feel free to e-mail all necessary forms to stmatthewselem@nlschools.ca. You will also be asked to provide the following prior to being notified of your child's acceptance:
Proof of Address (Ex: Utility Bill)
Student Registration form (see below)