Grade 3



  • Under the Sea covers the grade 3 math curriculum with fun underwater characters

  • Zorbits - students have their own accounts

  • Prodigy - students have their own accounts

  • MashupMath - free printable worksheets (with answer keys)

  • Youcubed - at home lesson plans / activities (printable) in a variety of areas for families

  • Greg Tang Math - resources, games, books and challenges






  • Calm - meditations, sleep stories, music and more


  • Edmentum 3rd grade workbook - reading, literacy, and math

  • Wide Open School

  • BrainPOP Jr. - free access for families to sign up. Includes educational videos in multiple subject areas with short quizzes

  • Wonderopolis - an informational site that helps kids ask and answer interesting questions about the world. Every day, a new "Wonder of the Day" question is posted - designed to get kids to think, talk, and find learning moments together in everyday life

*Parents here is a very helpful video that highlights some features:


  • Seulement Livres en Français - 226 French books read aloud

  • Editions Aquila - To start reading and listening, click on LOGIN, Username: aquilafrench. Password: Mike845! Scroll down and click the VIEW button beside the book you want to read.

  • Tumblebooks - books in both languages (just change the language option at the top of the screen)

**Contact Mme Regular for student username and password for Tumblebooks.**

  • Radio-Canada Zone jeunesse

  • Tidou: (Free online games site for children from 2 to 10 years old, the games are classified by age and by category)

  • Momes: (Includes a wide variety of artistic activities (artistic creations, nursery rhymes, recipes), stories, games and a learning section with various discovery files)

Coding / Maker Education

  • Brilliant Labs - Daily Make-At-Home and an Outdoor or Digital Learning Skill Challenges at 11:30 am and 2:30 pm. There is a Show and Tell Project Sharing at 4:30 pm.

  • Kids Code Jeunesse - a Canadian not for profit organization which helps children have an opportunity to learn computational thinking through code

  • Scratch Jr. - free for iPads and Android tablets and engages younger learners in creative storytelling and numeracy

  • Scratch - a variety of resources to support learners: from beginner tutorials to starter projects to downloadable Scratch Coding Cards

  • - popular tutorials, courses and videos to get coding for free. You should create an account to keep track of your learning.

  • Chrome Music Lab - a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments

  • - a keyboarding tutorial program

  • Micro:bit - you can learn to code a micro:bit with and without the device (watch it virtually)

  • Makey Makey - device needed

  • MakerStations: PDF file with ideas

Have some Distance Learning FUN

Click on links in document below to visit a variety of Educational and Fun sites

Grade 3 Teachers